Featured Podcasts
Dr. Fox’s Guest Spots
Dr. Fox has been featured as a guest on numerous podcasts to share his knowledge regarding Maternal Fetal Medicine. He is honored to be able to have insightful and informative discussions with various others through this process.

Bossed Up Podcast
Dr. Fox was featured on the following Episodes:
Episode 460: Balancing Work with a Complicated Pregnancy

Informed Pregnancy Podcast
Dr. Fox was featured on the following Episodes:
Ep. 325 Dr. Nate Fox: Thrombophilia
Ep. 299 External Cephalic Version with Dr. Nate Fox
Ep. 207 Dr. Nate Fox – Part II – Aneuploidy and Third Tri Testing
Ep. 206 Dr. Nate Fox – Prenatal Diagnostic Tests
Ep. 438 Postpartum Preeclampsia with Dr. Nathan Fox

The Toast Podcast
Dr. Fox was thrilled to be a guest on the Toast Podcast. Hosted by Claudia and Jackie Oshry, this podcast runs through the latest pop culture news. Every weekday morning, this duo explores 5 stories from the celebrity world of glitz and glamour.

Parent Data Podcast
Dr. Fox was featured on the following Episode:
Choosing to Induce: How a randomized trial gave birth to a new era in obstetrics